Press "Get" button to add palette to your local Palettes list
In order for the added palettes to appear in the list, you may need to reload the game page
Palettes list can opened by pressing on three dots on right-most color bar (or by F2 key) when in room
Darwin AU "La Desesperacion"
палитра которая не режет глаза
🍨🍨палитра милашки🍨🍨↻~Binnelli↺~=феля🎄🎄﷼🎇
палитра Мисс циркуль/palliter of Miss circle
-ᴛᴇʍно ɸиоᴧᴇᴛоʙᴀя ᴨᴀᴧиᴛᴩᴀ
-нᴇжно ᴦоᴧубᴀя ᴨᴀᴧиᴛᴩᴀ